Business, Residential Building, Industry Park, Hotel
Security & Protection Monitor
Tourist information & Interactive maps
Shopping information & Product Catalog
Access control and Registration
Advertising, Voice Broadcasting
LCD Screen (18.5”,21”,32”,43”,55”,65”,75”)
Touch Panel, High Resolution Camera, Microphone, Speaker, Buzzer, etc.
Card Reader, Barcode Scanner, Printer, NFC, POS
Windows(X86) or Android Supported
Indoor Kiosks Spec
18.5”, 21”, 32“, 43”, 55”, 65” .etc LCD screen is available
CPU could upgrade to i3, i5, i7
Hard Disk could upgrade to 128G, 256G or higher
Android System (ARM) supported
RK3288,RK3399,RK3568,2GB/4GB Memory, 8GB/16GB SSD or higher
Standard dimension reference